Customized Voice Over
Real Estate Video Slideshow Tours
Narrated & Customized to your Real Estate Listing that Look & Sound Great! Impress Your Clients, and Promote Your Listing on Social Media such as Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Youtube and get your video shown on Google.
How It Works
All we need are your photos or a link to your MLS Listing, and some info about you and your listing. We'll take care of everything else. We will customize the script, record the voiceover, edit and upload the video to Youtube & Google. We will provide you the video link so you can email it, post on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Google etc...

Tell Us About You
Enter your contact and branding info.
Tell Us About Your Listing
Enter the property info, and any details you want us to highlight.
Email Your Photos
Email the property photos.
What You Get
We provide versions of the video optimized for the MLS, your website, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and other Social Media. You get all the videos you need to promote you listing in one simple, flat-fee price.
Branded Video
This is a "main" video you get from us. This narrated video is up to 2 minutes long, and ends with a call-to-action that shows your photo, logo, and contact information. This video is perfect for posting to your website, blog, Facebook page, YouTube channel, and Twitter.
Unbranded/MLS Video
This video is exactly like the branded video, except that we remove your photo, logo, and contact info. This is the version that complies with your MLS, so you'll post this unbranded video as your virtual tour on your MLS.
Instagram Video
The Instagram video is a favorite with real estate agents. This is a shorter version of the video. This is optimized for posting to Instagram, but also works perfectly on Facebook.
Basic Generic Video
Generic Home of the Week VoiceOver Includes: 1 Branded Video
1 Unbranded Video
(additional $50)
Custom Video Tour
( Most Popular )
60 Second Custom VoiceOver
with Home Video TourIncludes: Professionally written and recorded voiceover for each version of the video. 1 Branded Video
1 Unbranded Video
(additional $50)
Custom Video Tour & VoiceOver with Community Images
90 Second Custom VoiceOver
with Home Video TourIncludes: Professionally written and recorded voiceover for each version of the video plus Custom VoiceOver that goes with the Community Images. 1 Branded Video
1 Unbranded Video
1 Instagram Video